Ultra-High-Net-Worth Investors

Wingrove Securities is one of the largest and most experienced in global alternative investments

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Founded in 2005, Wingrove Securities has brokered opportunities for the ultra-wealthy to incorporate alternative investments into their portfolios.

It's no secret that the ultra-rich have access to the best alternative investments that are often unavailable to the average investor, like expensive wine, fine art, and equity in private companies.

poised for growth
$23.3 tn

Total alternative assets are projected to grow 470% by 2027

From alternative to mainstream

Alternative investments are poised for growth

Ultra-high-net-worth investors devoting half their portfolios

Satisfaction with alternative investments

Younger investors and wealthier investors are more likely to be satisfied with the performance of their alternative investments, according to new data from EY

Sixty-three percent of the millennial clients EY surveyed are happy with how their alternative investments have performed, compared to just 40% of baby boomers.

When it comes to wealth, 45% of clients EY describes as mass affluent are satisfied with their alternative investments’ performance, compared to 63% of very-high-net-worth clients and 69% of ultra-high-net-worth clients.

Overall, 48% of clients EY surveyed are satisfied with how their alternative investments have performed.

Percentage of investors with alternative investments by regions

North America is the region with the lowest usage of alternative investments. This is most likely due to the strong historical performance of the stock market, as investors don't need to seek out alternatives to get a good return.

From Alternative to Mainstream